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BIG Assist Project

BIG Assist supports infrastructure organisations in the voluntary sector, such as MEMF. In some cases support will mean financial help – in the form of a voucher – towards services from approved providers who are experts with the experience and skills to help infrastructure organisations improve their effectiveness.

Having gone through a thorough telephone diagnostic, MEMF was awarded a BIG Assist Voucher to get help in the following areas:

Priority 1: Strategy, planning and managing change - Leading change

Priority 2: Financial sustainability - Income strategy and new business models

From the approved supplier list of BIG Assist, a local firm Ministry for Growth Ltd was selected as the expert organisation to help MEMF with the first Priority. They have provided strategy and growth consultancy to many companies – from start-ups to much larger ones, and also for other infrastructure organisations in the voluntary sector.

Through a process of facilitated workshops with the Board of Trustees, and also desk research input on good practice, Ministry for Growth were able to develop a strategic framework for MEMF which will be discussed and refined by the Board, and lead to an implementation plan for 2016.

This process has also reviewed the fundamental governance of MEMF and has also addressed the need to register as a Charity. Ministry for Growth has also helped to get this done, and MEMF are awaiting the outcome. With Charity status, MEMF hopes to be able to access further funding opportunities both on its own and in partnership with other voluntary sector organisations.

MEMF has also been included on the steering group of a VCS Leader Group – a network that should also help to connect MEMF with further opportunities and further enhance its profile with leading stake-holders and commissioners.


Ministry For Growth


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