Community Renewal Fund
Medway Diversity Forum (MDF), as part of the “Medway Together” consortium, used Community Renewal Funding (CRF) from central government...
Community Renewal Fund
Reconnect Golden Buddies (2021)
Cozy Kitchen Lunch Club (2018 - Ongoing)
Every Life Matters - Suicide Prevention and Awareness Project (2018-19)
Golden Buddies (2019 - Ongoing)
Medway Festival of Cultures
Ageing Gracefully (2017)
LAPCEL - End of Life/Palliative Care (2015 - Present)
Woodwork Project for Health and Wellbeing (2017)
ASSIST Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training (2018)
European Social Fund - Agora Project (2015)
Aiming High Disability Project (2015)
AGIR Intergenerational Project
BIG Assist Project
BAME Parenting Course (2015)
Migration Impact Fund (2011)