To promote social inclusion for public benefit, by working with people in Medway and the surrounding areas, who are socially excluded on the grounds of being members of minority ethnic communities, relieving the needs of such people and assisting them to integrate into society, in particular by:
Providing support to ethnic minority community and voluntary groups

Promoting increased access to opportunities available to them from local authorities and service providers

Reducing the barriers that these communities face

Medway Diversity Forum have provided an invaluable
service in the development of our COVID-19 communications

campaign for Kent and Medway, particularly their role in identifying, training, and supporting community researchers to gather insights. The health and social care system is extremely grateful for their professionalism, expertise and hard work. They share our commitment to helping all residents live healthier, happier lives and continue to be valued partners to the Public Health team.
Scott Elliott, Head of Health and Wellbeing, Medway Council

Thanks, National Lottery Community Fund and Medway Diversity Forum for arranging the Woodworking sessions under Reconnect Golden Buddies project. The timing of the project was perfect because many of us have been affected by redundancies, long Covid, and coping with bereavement in our family. I did not think I had a creative streak. I have made new friends now and, in fact, joined the Badminton classes started by Medway Diversity Forum. Superbly managed project
If you need more information, get in touch, and we can discuss all that you need to know